(480) 788-6015

By Appointment Only

Advocacy31nine Logo


Amplifying Your Voice

We advocate for the educational success of students impacted by foster care, kinship care, and adoption in Arizona.

This is the mission of Advocacy31nine

Unlocked In School Services
$ 0
Students In Foster Care Impacted By Our Services
+ 2000
Volunteer Service Hours
Organization Partnerships
+ 0

Why Do we advocate?

For the love of our Children

Children in foster care are some of the most vulnerable children in our community. According to a recent study by Stanford University Medical Center, “Children who have experienced childhood trauma are 32 times more likely to be diagnosed with learning and behavioral problems.”

Advocacy Services

Explore The Ways we can help

Education, education, education. We are here to teach about the educational issues foster children face, and how to overcome them together. 

Educational Advocacy

Educational institutions can be tricky to approach. That's where we come in.

Advocacy Resources

We have a web of resources and connections to help you.

Educational Workshops

We will come to you to help educate on issues, advocacy, and more.

Speaking Engagements

We will come speak about advocacy resources, your rights, and more.

The faces of Advocacy31nine

Meet The Team

Advocacy31nine Team

Amplifying Your Voice

Jenny Mullins

Program Director

Katie O'Dell

Executive Director

Sofie Nicely

Administrative Support Intern

Meet The Volunteers


Special Education Advocate


Special Education Advocate


Special Education Advocate

Velia Aguirre

Special Education Advocate

Emily Mauer

Special Education Advocate

Dr. Kevin Sieling

Special Education Advocate

We are here to advocate for the children

Need help with navigating educational institutions for foster children you know? Have a question and aren’t quite sure where to direct it? Please, reach out to us. We are here to be a resource for you.


Thank you for your consideration to make a donation to Advocacy31nine. We have partnered with Arizona 1.27 to better serve the foster and adoptive community.

You will be redirected to the Arizona 1.27 website to make a donation through their giving platform. Your donations will continue to further our mission to provide educational support for students impacted by foster care.

Follow the below link to donate.